Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

“Aspect has always been very open and meritocratic. It’s been a hallmark of the business right from day one.” Anthony Todd, CEO

Our Mission Statement

We believe that diversity drives innovation. Having a diverse workforce leads to better outcomes for our investors, our people and our business. We are committed to providing a collegiate, equitable and ambitious working environment in which we treat each other with respect, provide equal opportunities to all and reward achievement fairly, regardless of gender, race, religious belief, age, disability, sexual orientation or social background.

"We've had an open culture, right from the very start." Anthony Todd, CEO

We are thrilled to be the 1st winner of Eurohedge's Diversity Prize. Since the company’s inception we have placed a strong focus on the establishment of a meritocratic, equitable and collaborative culture which fosters innovation and nurtures diverse talent. At the same time, we recognise that the hedge fund industry, and the financial industry at large, still has along way to go in reflecting the diversity of the societies in which we operate, and we aim to continue driving meaningful change.

Our Promises

Aspect is committed to treating its employees fairly and with respect, providing a collegiate and challenging working environment in which equal opportunities are provided to all and achievement is fairly rewarded. We believe in a meritocratic approach to career progression, providing all employees with opportunities to share their individual experience and develop their skills, in order to fulfil their full potential.

“Everyone is not only lovely, but also completely on top of their game. The latter is completely unsurprising but having the combination means that everyone is very open, willing to teach, and invested in making other people better which has the knock-on effect of making Aspect a better place.” Adam Chen, Senior Data Engineer

We recruit talented people who are intellectually ambitious, curious to learn and who are team players. In return, we provide a truly unique culture: we care about our people and work hard to ensure that they fulfil their potential.

Check our current opportunities on our career page

"Juggling a career in research and being a hands-on mum are both challenging and rewarding. Flexibility and support needs to come from the top." Max Xu, Portfolio Manager

Our People

Our employee base is highly diverse. This diversity enhances our creativity, enriches our perspectives and better informs our decisions. Above all, you will find that our people have curious minds, a desire to keep learning, a strong sense of initiative and ownership, an affinity for science, but also a propensity for laughter, kindness and honesty.

In this video members of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee talk through some of their proudest moments since the committee started. Examples highlighted include the production of our DE&I internal newsletter, marching in London Pride and the importance and impact of representation across the firm.

In this video we speak to three members of Team Aspect: Joanne La Porte, Jake Thornton and Darius Horban. The video aims to give an insight into the varied business areas and roles here whilst also talking through the development and growth that can be experienced in the business.

Hear from Alice and Sofia on their apprenticeships with Aspect so far including the key benefits of the scheme, their advice to others and how the early weeks of their roles have been.

Our Culture

Our culture is central to the company. We are proud to have fostered an inclusive culture based on shared values and meritocracy. Since day one, we have dedicated significant effort to attract and retain talented people and to cultivate an open, dynamic, collaborative, fair and inclusive corporate culture, where employees are motivated, valued and treated as individuals.

Cultural fit is a crucial part of our recruitment process.

“When we started Aspect, we had a really strong vision of the type of place we wanted it to be.” Martin Lueck, co-founder and Research Director

At the heart of everything we do is a set of core values shared by every employee for over 20 years. These values define who we are and how we engage and interact, not only with our clients and our people, but also with our business partners, the local community, the environment, the financial markets and society at large.

Our Initiatives

Our DE&I committee’s programme aims to be broad and cover a range of minorities across gender, sexual orientation, race, culture and religion. They promote wellness, inclusion, education and awareness through events, training and other opportunities. We work closely with a number of associations, schools and charities and aim to contribute positively to the wider conversation around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by supporting, educating and influencing wherever and whenever we can.

“There are many ways in which we seek to deliver meaningful change with regards to diversity. For instance, we seek to address the lack of (in particular) gender diversity among students studying STEM subjects into further education, and the consequent narrow pool of female talent to recruit from for roles to which the study of these subjects leads. We have sought to achieve this by supporting a number of grassroots organisations seeking to address this imbalance in various ways.”
Flora Hudson-Evans, Director of HR

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