HedgeNordic CTA Round Table 2024


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Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – It is always a pleasure to participate in HedgeNordic annual CTA Roundtable. In this year’s discussion, we explored the diverse strategies managers use to achieve their objectives, and covered topics such as “Innovation in CTA Strategies and Products,” “Trend-Following Replication and Non-Trend Diversification Efforts,” and examined “The Role of CTA ETFs.” A summary of the discussion is available to read here.

Thank you Kamran Ghalitschi (HedgeNordic) for moderating the session and gathering such a strong lineup of managers Linus Nilsson (Tidan), Harold de Boer (Transtrend), Martin Källström (Lynx), Moritz Seibert (Takahē), Kathryn Kaminski (AlphaSimplex), Jerry Parker (Chesapeake), Julia Axelsson (Swedbank Robur), Razvan Remsing (Aspect Capital), and Andrew Beer (DBi).

The full article can be viewed here

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